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Meet a Dragon: Bobby Weisensee


A problem solver from nine to five and a runner after hours, Robert (Bobby) Weisensee shares what brings him joy in and outside of his customer success role.

Describe your journey to Komodo. Back then, our recruiting outreach for new hires was pretty limited.

While attending Gettysburg College, I worked at the school’s virology lab and had an internship at Merck. These experiences helped me realize I wanted to be in the health-tech industry because of my appreciation for data and healthcare. With a little digging on the Internet, I came across a job opportunity at Komodo Health and immediately applied. I was intrigued by the company’s mission and the concept of the Healthcare Map. Soon after graduation, I interviewed at Komodo and began my first full-time role here.

As a Senior Customer Success Associate, what brings you the most joy in your role here?

For me, personally, I love the versatility. Komodo combines a lot of my interests — tech, software, and healthcare. I genuinely think we are in a very interesting space, where we interact with medical teams, product teams, and pharmaceutical companies to help them solve complex problems and propel their business forward. What I think makes the customer success role different at Komodo is that we are actually using the data and running analytics — we’re not just relationship managers (although that is a big part of the job). So aligning all of these aspects of my background and interests has given me insight into the multidisciplinary exposure I really love. It keeps things fresh.

Prior to the pandemic, you were traveling quite a bit to see clients. How have you maintained, or tried to keep, these connections with your clients?

In all honesty, it’s been tough. One of the things I love most about my job is combining the tech and analytics side with really developing personal relationships with our customers, taking a genuine interest in their goals. Traditionally, a lot of that happens in real life, so during the pandemic, our team has really focused on maintaining face-to-face connections over Zoom. It's our job to make sure we understand and connect with our clients to meet their needs.

Tell me something that most people don’t know about you.

I used to play paintball at the semiprofessional level during my college years and was even on ESPN2!

Wow! I would have never guessed! That is really cool.

Yeah, it all started when I had a paintball party for my 5th birthday. I kept playing and competing in tournaments and eventually got sponsored.

I’m also an avid runner and run with the Midnight Runners group here in NYC.

What advice would you give to a prospective candidate looking to make their way into health tech?

There is so much opportunity — the best advice I can give someone would be to cast a wide net and stick to your goals. If you love a company, get in on the ground floor and see what opportunities arise, especially since in the early stages of a company there is so much change and growth. It’s much easier to move in the direction you want to go with an agile company like Komodo.

What are you most looking forward to when things go back to "normal"?

I know this is going to sound cheesy, but I am so ready for the office to open back up. That is all I want. I miss seeing the team, the environment, the happy hours — it was so fun. Getting crepes and margaritas — what other company does that?! I also miss traveling. I had a trip planned to Ireland that was canceled and I’m really looking forward to getting that back on the books.

What are you reading right now?

I have just started Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami. I’m only one chapter in. I’ve loved everything ever written by David Wong and wanted something similar — it’s already so out-there, and was actually recommended to me by one of our fellow dragons. I love it!

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