Spotting Critical Waypoints on the Patient Journey

Drive Smarter Strategy with Better Data

The ability to quickly and accurately generate fit-for-purpose insights to enable enterprise-wide life science strategies requires more than just tracking basic diagnosis codes and prescription trends.

A comprehensive pharma strategy requires the ability to visualize complex information to illuminate critical patient cohort characteristics and key moments along the patient journey, including the wild cards – the nonadherent patients, patient demographics, those who’ve been misdiagnosed and even those who haven’t been diagnosed yet – to get a true reading of the current landscape.

In this eBook, you’ll learn: 


How to optimize clinical trial recruitment by tapping into near real-time, zip–code level data on real-world patient interactions with the healthcare system.


How to stress-test the clinical and commercial viability of a new molecule by analyzing predictive patterns of patient and provider behavior.


How to read the market landscape for a new or prospective therapy using real-world evidence.

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