With a surge in both therapies per disease area and therapies with multiple indications, markets are growing ever more crowded. Obtaining insights quickly is key to prioritizing field resources, sequencing indication expansion, and expediting internal decision-making. 

Speed to Insights
  • On average, pharmaceutical companies contract with 4 data providers and 4 consultants for any one project

  • It takes 7 months on average to identify data sources, execute contracts, and ingest and prepare data into a usable state

  • Data analysis/interpretation is pharmaceutical companies’ second greatest challenge (after data management)

What’s behind the challenge? 

  • Data is siloed in numerous sources and must be culled, linked, cleaned, harmonized, and certified
  • Lack of easy-to-use analytics software for users of varying technical-skill levels
  • Teams must wait for data scientists/analysts/consultants to deliver insights