Introduction to Komodo Health Engineering

By Komodo Health

Hello, World.

We are Komodo Health Engineers, there are about 50 of us.  Komodo is a Big Data / Data Science / Machine Learning focused startup working to improve decision making in the healthcare industry and ultimately help patients get better, faster.

Komodo’s Mission & Opportunity

Our mission is to reduce the global burden of disease through the industry’s most actionable healthcare map and building SaaS products on top of this map.  In other words, we build products and technology that help healthcare leaders make better decisions. We help launch new (and in some cases life saving) treatments, accelerate clinical trials, and understand the economics around disease treatment.

We believe that we have the opportunity to fundamentally change healthcare in the United States.  Our products are uniquely positioned to take advantage of several trends – the wider availability of anonymized patient level data, new technical capabilities from cloud technologies, and a healthcare industry focusing on efficiency and innovation.

Our Healthcare Data & Map

Our Healthcare Map™ links over 150 datasets, providing real-time and longitudinal data on more than 300 million patients, and combines over 50 billion clinical encounters with 15 million new encounters added daily.  It’s the largest and most comprehensive picture of patient journeys across the US.

We stitch all of this data together into a Healthcare Map™.  Our Healthcare Map™ cross-links patient journey data with other medical and healthcare datasets to extract new insights and deliver predictive analytics to dynamically configure patient cohorts (typically patients in a particular treatment area).  We empower our clients to better understand disease burden, identify patient cohorts, predict disease progression, improve standards of care, and drive adoption of new therapies – with the goal of achieving optimal outcomes for every patient in the US.

Our Products

We started the company with Aperture, our flagship product. Aperture enables Life Science companies and non-profit Patient Advocacy groups to bring new treatments to the market faster and educate the medical community on the latest standards of care.  We connect a number of different datasets, from physician information to clinical trial data and academic publications, and score them across several dimensions to generate new insights about a specific treatment area. There is a lot of interesting analysis work here, from entity matching between very diverse data sets, to discerning doctors’ influence by looking at how extensive their referral network to other doctors is.

Over the last year we have undergone a transformation from single-product to multi-product company, with our third product nearing launch.  Our second product Pulse is focused on data timeliness – it helps identify doctors who have patients that may be just diagnosed with rare diseases that qualify for treatment, along with many other critical healthcare events.  You can learn more about Komodo’s products here.

Data Platform

As we’ve moved from one product to many, we realized we needed to think about how to support our products in a more scalable way.  We are now working on the next generation of our Data Platform, designed to support the multiple product and use case transition. It is a shared layer that forms the foundation of our analytics products, and enables us to scale and ensure that both new data sources and new analyses are made quickly available to the product teams.  Data platform is a fascinating technical challenge as it needs to provide various data management services and enable the building of fast incremental data pipelines, robust data models, all build on top of strong security and privacy guarantees.

Our Engineers & Technology

We are a dedicated and (we like to think) fun bunch.  Komodo Health is named after the Komodo Dragon, so internally we call ourselves Dragons.  We enjoy solving problems with data – we are Data Scientists, Data, Application and Infrastructure Engineers. Together with Product, Clinical Specialists, and our Customer Experience colleagues, we are building products that help launch new therapies faster, and help improve patient outcomes.  We are bi-coastal with offices in San Francisco and New York City (roughly equally distributed). Some of the technologies we like are Python, Scala, Spark, Airflow, Kubernetes, Snowflake, Jupyter, React, AWS, and long walks on the beach.


We have many fascinating challenges, from our data analysis, to data engineering, product development and platform work.  We are at a great inflection point as a company and engineering team – big enough where our challenges are increasingly interesting and but small enough where an individual engineer can have significant impact.

On the business side, we see a lot of opportunity and we are moving fast to take advantage of it. We are growing rapidly and are looking for great people to join us!  Or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @KomodoHealth

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