10X Your Digital Campaign Performance With Clinical Data

By Bill Evans, Chief Marketing Officer, Komodo Health

About this Webinar:

The evolution of digital media has radically changed how healthcare companies and consultants track and measure the impact of marketing and communication activities. But are you fully capturing and sustaining the value of your online presence in an effective and meaningful way?

Data fragmentation can make it difficult to use and understand your campaign performance. And, as legacy metrics founded on digital tools such as cookies become obsolete, you will need to consider a new way forward to understand your marketing impact. The key will be patient-centric data. Datasets that capture the complete patient journey can enable your campaigns to target the right stakeholders with the right message at the right time. Visibility into clinical signals provides you with an unprecedented ability to truly attribute ROI to your campaign.

In this webinar, you will learn about the key factors that drive a successful campaign in today’s dynamic media industry:

  • Measurable KPIs derived from robust, patient-level clinical signals
  • Timely, reliable insights to help pivot your strategy and strategically allocate your marketing dollars
  • Break down data silos to paint a full picture of cross-channel campaign performance

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